Backwards Development

Who we are

Backwards Development is a coding organization formed by Alexander Harding AKA BackwardsUser.

What we do

Backwards Development is a Freelance coding group that provides code for any occasion. Feel free to browse our Repositories to get an idea of what we can do. Also be sure to checkout our Github, and make sure to checkout the shop!

Get in touch

If you would like to get in touch head to the Contact page. Otherwise feel free to get in touch through Discord @ backwardsuser or my Instagram @ backwards_user.

Alternatively you can contact me at [email protected], however I ask you allow us 48 hours to respond to your email.

The Team


Who I am

My name is Alexander Harding, I am a 19 year old College Student Studding Software Development at Mohawk College.

I love coding, My favourite thing to code are Discord Bots, they're super simple to get running and it's super cool to visually see the bot coming online.

My favourite project I am working on is my Chat Room, Its been a great learning experience, understanding the way the client works with a database via a server and understanding basic concepts of encryption.

What I do

I am a developer who dabbles in most areas of Software, and Computers in general.

I began developing Discord Bots. I have developed multiple Discord bots from moderation bots to simple music bots.

With the development of Discord bots I realized that they were difficult to put together so I began developing an application that could be used to create, manage and run your own Discord bot, however this project has since been archived.

From here I started making simple websites, websites for close friends and family. That I hosted on a local server.

My most recent and biggest project thus far has been my chat application, I started working on this chat application because I was curious on how such an application would work. Thus far it has been a very educational experience learning the basics of encryption and how to transfer messages.

My Future Plans

My true goal is to have a happy life. I like to try things, if a new opportunity presents itself to me I am likely to give it a try. My intention is to get a job with a company like Discord.

I strive to do better, any app, tool or assignment I complete I want to improve, I want to make something better. I have a need to improve everything I work on.

My Hobbies

I love everything. You name it I've likely tried it. I've used Blender, I like using Blender, but the time consumption of it kind of turns me away, however if I sat down for a couple hours I could likely get something that looks good. I've tried the Unity engine, however its been some time and I'd need to learn it again. I've tried the Unreal engine, however I didn't put much time into it as by the time installation was complete I had lost interest in making any game, although the engine does look enticing.

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